SCRIPTURE: JEREMIAH 29:11 The children of the rich have the assurance that their future is secured because of the money their parents have. But this security is not guaranteed to last. - Anything can happen. Sickness, terrorism, and war seem to be stealing our hope and causing people to doubt that there is a good future for us and especially for our children. But glory to God for His wonderful plans and promise that gives us the assurance and confidence of a good future. Many are frustrated by the inconsistencies they see in the lives of other or even in their own life. They have reached a point in their life that they don’t see anything good in their future. But God is very consistent, and His plans stand firm forever. He said I know the plan I have towards you, not of evil."" It is plans of peace, hope, and a good future." Put your trust in God and be rest assured that there is a great future for you, for that marriage that you think it’s dead, for dream that you believe will never come true, for that child that causes you pain every single day, for that business that is not thriving. He will get you to your glorious, expected end. Jesus is our blessed assurance. *PRAYER:* Dear Lord, thank you for your glorious plans of glorious future and a glorious expected end. I receive grace to walk, live, move, and continue to have my being in you in your undeniable perfect name, I pray. *Be Wise and Stay in Purpose* Rev Ada Toni* *The Shining Light Church* *YouTube Opaltv17 / Theaimtv19* *Facebook* Mo.dadeogo


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