The people MUST make a SACRED TENT for me, so that I may live among them...Exd. 25:8

There had been times when you are faced with a need to make a decision, and you couldn't; People tell you to listen to your heart. Many at times you are soaked in people's opinion and you are confused about what to do. Some still tell you,  listen to your heart. God told Moses that the people of Israel must make a holy place of dwelling for Him so they can have Him with them 24/7. Today, we don't need to make Him a hand built tent anymore. Our heart is suppose to be that SACRED TENT for the Lord to dwell in so we can have Him at all time. If your heart is what you need to listen to when making decision on anything, and it has been made the sacred tent/dwelling place of the Lord, you should not be having difficulties in making decisions. But if you are still facing difficulties or you are still confused about what to do, it could either means that you are not listening to your heart or it is not a holy tent of God. If your heart is filled with all kinds of filthiness such as lust, anger, unholy thinking, fornication adultery, stealing, disobedience and other ungodly things. God can not co habits with those things. Rid your heart of these filthiness, have your heart consecrated to be a SACRED TENT of the Lord and peace of God will reign supreme in all your decision making and all the affairs of your life. Shalom.


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